Sunday, July 11, 2010


Picturing things in my head gives me quite a headache. Sometimes I feel like I have to SEE IT to really believe it. Unfortunately because the homes in our development were selling so fast they didn't need to put up a model house. It made it hard to picture what our house was going to look like. We toured the townhouse models up the road so many times, but it just wouldn't be the same to take a picture of a townhouse with a different design and try to picture it the way our house would look.

I haven't mentioned it but our house will not be ready until March 2011! Actually we found out construction for phase 1 is almost two months behind, so we aren't sure we will be in by March either. We really longed for something to look at each time we decided to put our money in the bank instead of spending it on something frivolous we didn't really need.

Blessed again! We stopped in to the sales office to discuss some paperwork and on the table was a new brochure for the prepared opening sale of phase 3. We looked at it.......looked at each other........and smiled. THAT WAS OUR HOUSE!! The builder, added a colored sketch of our model with the colors we chose to use, on the brochure. We FINALLY had a picture of what our house would look like (well at least really close to what we hope it looks like!) Hope you enjoy the picture as much as we do!

1 comment:

  1. The house looks beautiful. Lots of room for the cats to play hide and seek. I'll bet you are very excited and I can't wait 'till it's all done and we can see it. Aunt Jean
