Sunday, August 29, 2010

Next step....Road

The first photo that you see is our property. The construction crew is currently storing brick pavers that are being used for the retaining walls. Those walls look beautiful. We will take a picture of one on our next trip. They add such a nice touch to the landscape.
The second photo is the view as you enter our street. The dirt is packed and the curbs are also done. It just needs a paved road and cul-de-sac. Our property is located in the distance where that white trailer can be spotted. We have beautiful trees bordering on one side and we will have 1 neighbor to the left. The other three houses on our street are on the opposite side of the road as you drive down the street. I really love our location! It is the most private lot for a development of 45 homes.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a long way to go but what a beautiful site! Have you seen anyone else there who is also building? You'll have lots of neighbors. Love, Aunt Jean
