Saturday, May 28, 2011


The front door was painted to match our shutters. The columns also were painted a clean shade of white!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Next Step....Landscaping

Master Bathroom Fixtures
Landscaping started in the cul-de-sac. Ugh, more rain.

Food pantry next to the kitchen

Cabinets with built in microwave

Carpet in the family room

Well due to the delivery of our appliances our house has been locked the last 2-3 weeks. This has limited our access to see progress inside. We stopped at the sales office on Saturday and got the key so we could check out the progress. It looks so close to being finished!! The carpets were installed and all the interior lighting fixtures are officially complete. The closets all have shelving too!

We are waiting for our granite counters to be installed, the toilets to be installed, and the bathroom hardware (shower heads, faucets, etc.) to be installed. Once they are complete the interior will be totally FINISHED!

The sales manager has informed us that we are on to landscaping which should be completed this week if the weather holds out. We have our fingers crossed for some dry days in a row.

Our estimated closing time frame is the second week of June. The date is dependant on the weather cooperating and the local building department be timely with their inspections. We will continue to pray! Theo and I agreed that this was the first visit we felt like we were standing in OUR house. It was really heartwarming!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Almost there?

We have seen some great progress over the last 2 weeks. The cabinets are in and the tile and hardwood floors are completed. The lighting fixtures are installed. The exterior columns were put in place, but they need to be painted. The driveway was paved. The sidewalk and front steps were completed. The appliances were delivered. We have gas and electric service to the house!

It should only be a few more weeks, a few more projects, and then we can go to closing!

Friday, April 22, 2011


The doors were installed this week. The garage door will remain white. The front door will be painted midnight navy to match the shutters.

A Peak Inside

These are our cabinets. Can't wait until they are unpacked and installed. The kitchen is the room I'm most looking forward to see!

Dining room windows came out so nice. They let in so much light.

This is the family room. The door on the right is the basement door.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


We have sheet rock! The walls are all up and the next step is spackle. It really looks like a house now. I'm posting another pic of the outside. It's one of the best pics Theo has taken to date. We are so happy with the way the exterior looks. We can only hope to be as pleased with the interior!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Different View

Here are two pictures that show a different view of the area. One is from the backyard and shows the retaining wall. Our property goes to the tree line so we also have the flat area on the other side of the retaining wall. The other picture is a view from the upstairs looking out at the development. The houses are popping up one by one!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Siding Complete!

Our visit revealed a completely sided house!! Most of the shutters are up as well. The upper left windows are awaiting shutters but they are a different size and will hopefully arive soon. The construction office should be calling us for our first walk through of the house to verify our choices for outlet locations, cable, and phone jack locations. We can't wait to add some pics of the interior framing!

Unfortunately our closing date has been moved back yet again. We are now supposed to have a finished home in early June. We continue to learn the value of PATIENCE and it's not easy.

Luckily there will be a great finished product and hopefully it will have been worth all this waiting. :-)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do you like tan?

If you like tan you will be happy to see our house is starting to be sided! If you don't like tan then hopefully you will be happy that we have more progress! Our weekly visit revealed some siding and a roof on our little covered porch. We also got to peek in the windows today. Very exciting. I'm pretty sure by next week we will have the entire house sided so stop back for an updated picture.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


The new additions this week are completed framing on the exterior and windows. It also appears that the stairs on completed inside. Hopefully next week the roof will be done!

We can't wait for spring!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Mid-Winter Surprise!

Our Saturday visit revealed some welcomed progress!! We drove down the street to find almost two levels of our new home framed!

Enjoy the pics !

Before the snow.....

Before we were pummeled by a winter full of snow they were actually able to pour our concrete foundation. We were very happy to have that done before it got too cold and snowy. The only pictures I have of the foundation are downloaded upside down. I won't hurt your brain by posting them. We checked back many times but the lot remained without a foundation for over two months because of our position on the build list. It's been frustrating waiting so long but after talking with the construction office I found out there was a construction delay for the entire development due to the delay of underground gas and electric lines. This delay set the process back over 6 weeks. There was nothing to do but wait. Happily on one visit in early January we noticed some homes in Phase I were occupied by homeowners. That was a sign of progress to us. We can only go forward!