Saturday, February 12, 2011

Before the snow.....

Before we were pummeled by a winter full of snow they were actually able to pour our concrete foundation. We were very happy to have that done before it got too cold and snowy. The only pictures I have of the foundation are downloaded upside down. I won't hurt your brain by posting them. We checked back many times but the lot remained without a foundation for over two months because of our position on the build list. It's been frustrating waiting so long but after talking with the construction office I found out there was a construction delay for the entire development due to the delay of underground gas and electric lines. This delay set the process back over 6 weeks. There was nothing to do but wait. Happily on one visit in early January we noticed some homes in Phase I were occupied by homeowners. That was a sign of progress to us. We can only go forward!

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