Saturday, November 20, 2010

Curious about colors?

For those of you who have seen the model pic below, you know this doesn't look like our house. Well, it's not. But I'm putting this pic up so you can see our colors. We will have the same exact colors (tan siding, midnight navy shutters, white trim, and black roof.) Can't wait to see the colors on our house!
Please pray it stays warm enough for our foundation to be poured :-)

A hole in the ground

We have a hole in the ground with what I'm told are Footings. Not sure exactly what a footing is so I'm learning as we go along. Apparently this thick level of concrete will hold the entire weight of our new home. With two floors of 9 foot ceilings the house will be pretty high, so those footings have their work cut out for them. The next step is our foundation. The frame for the foundation is going in this week and the foundation (ours is poured concrete walls) will most likely be constructed the beginning of next week. More pictures to come and I'm also going to try and snap some shots of the rest of the development and those *CUTE* street lights that add such a nice touch to the curb appeal!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Next step....Road

The first photo that you see is our property. The construction crew is currently storing brick pavers that are being used for the retaining walls. Those walls look beautiful. We will take a picture of one on our next trip. They add such a nice touch to the landscape.
The second photo is the view as you enter our street. The dirt is packed and the curbs are also done. It just needs a paved road and cul-de-sac. Our property is located in the distance where that white trailer can be spotted. We have beautiful trees bordering on one side and we will have 1 neighbor to the left. The other three houses on our street are on the opposite side of the road as you drive down the street. I really love our location! It is the most private lot for a development of 45 homes.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


After our weekly visit to the property we were so happy to see PROGRESS!! The dirt road has been shaped, our lot has been cleared, the retaining walls are going up, and the curbs are almost done! The houses in phase one are framed, half of them already have roof shingles up, and some even have the windows in already! Progress seems to be moving along nicely. Hopefully we will remember the camera next time we go so I can post some pictures.
We now wait for the curbs to get finished, the road to get paved, the retaining walls to be completed......and then......hopefully.......a foundation?!?!?!?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interest Rates

The topic of conversation has turned to mortgage interest rates. WOW they are really low right now! It is slightly annoying that we can't take advantage of those rates because we are at least 9 months away from closing on our mortgage. So the question of the day was: Pay to lock or float? I had no idea what either of those two things really mean, but I'm learning a lot as we go through this process. I'm forced to read and learn because I don't want to appear like I have no clue what is going on here (even though sometimes I feel like I have NO CLUE what is going on here LOL.) So I know someone who has quite a bit of knowledge about mortgages, we will call him.......Dad. He has shared with me some very important tips about locking in rates or letting your letting your rate float with the hope that it ends up in a nice low rate.
So now our question is no longer whether to lock in our rate, but when will we do it and WHERE will this money come from.
Place your bets everyone, the next few months are going to be quite a gamble in the game of interest rates!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our choices

Bahia Gold Granite Counter, Harborview Birch Clover Cabinets, 2 1/4 oak Natural harwood floors

Decisions. Seriously??

On Friday we took a trip to Morristown NJ to a design showroom called Speedwell Designs. Without much traffic (even during rush hour!) we thought we would sail through the day without much stress....after all we were off to a good start right?
Hmmmmmm.........choosing every detail of your new home in one day is a crazy and insane thing to do!
We had decided that since this was our first house our goal was to be frugal and responsible.......maybe Theo should have blocked HGTV for the last year and we could have moved along a little better LOL! When the cabinet sample hit the desk I looked at it and my heart sank......that can't be the standard cabinet, please God that can't be the standard cabinet. was. It didn't even look like wood! It looked like someone painted a wood finish on a fake cabinet, and even the color was awful. THANKFULLY Theo agreed and said it was awful, but that meant we were going to be in for a long day of deciding how to spend our money (our small amount of money) on upgrades.
When we made our list of upgrades we were tried to be meticulous about staying within a very responsible budget. We had chosen the items we knew we wanted to upgrade (mostly the kitchen and floors) and decided we would take the included standard items on the rest of the house. I have to say that I had pictured each room in the house and what I thought it would look like. And the kitchen.........well it wasn't with those cabinets. We had set money aside to upgrade the counter and the designer said what is the point of upgrading to a beautiful counter top if you plan on using plain old cabinets that look cheap. She had a point. We upgraded the cabinets.
Next was floors. The floors in the house come standard with carpet. Theo and I had many discussion about floors. Jill= hardwood and Theo= carpet. That discussion was 3 months worth of talking. We compromised. Hardwood in the dining room and kitchen, carpet in living rooms and bedrooms. Sounds easy right?.......wrong. The carpet color that comes standard was brown.....sure there were other choices like mauve, blue, and green......but the neutral color I longed for was only available in brown. I pictured the house with carpet, I had learned to accept the house with carpet........that was not what I pictured as carpet in my house. We upgraded. We moved on to the bathroom tile, I had seen this beautiful linen-like tile in the model townhouse, it was so pretty. In my mind I pictured our bathroom with this beautiful tile. I was pretty sure it would be within our budget because I checked the price list and it didn't seem that fancy, so I figured Level 1 (that price was very reasonable). The designer brings out the bathroom tile samples, I proudly describe to her the tile I saw in the bathroom at the model, she smiles and says she knows exactly what I'm talking about and takes us right over to it. She knew what she talking about because she pulled the exact tile right off the rack! I was so that was what I pictured on the bathroom to look like! She asked if we had budgeted for the tile and I said I think so. She says good. I say how much? She says it Level 3 tile. Level 3???????? NO! It can't be Level 3! Level 3 is the most expensive tile, I didn't budget for Level 3. That's thousands more. (There is a lot of tile in our master bathroom). My heart sank. We didn't upgrade the tile.
This was the roller coaster ride of the day. It was fun, heartbreaking, headache inducing, stressful, and exciting. At the end of the day.......................we walked away above our mental budget, nerve-wrecked, and exhausted................................................but I can picture what our house will look like and I know after the $$ it WILL be what we wanted and more . <3


Picturing things in my head gives me quite a headache. Sometimes I feel like I have to SEE IT to really believe it. Unfortunately because the homes in our development were selling so fast they didn't need to put up a model house. It made it hard to picture what our house was going to look like. We toured the townhouse models up the road so many times, but it just wouldn't be the same to take a picture of a townhouse with a different design and try to picture it the way our house would look.

I haven't mentioned it but our house will not be ready until March 2011! Actually we found out construction for phase 1 is almost two months behind, so we aren't sure we will be in by March either. We really longed for something to look at each time we decided to put our money in the bank instead of spending it on something frivolous we didn't really need.

Blessed again! We stopped in to the sales office to discuss some paperwork and on the table was a new brochure for the prepared opening sale of phase 3. We looked at it.......looked at each other........and smiled. THAT WAS OUR HOUSE!! The builder, added a colored sketch of our model with the colors we chose to use, on the brochure. We FINALLY had a picture of what our house would look like (well at least really close to what we hope it looks like!) Hope you enjoy the picture as much as we do!

The biggest check we ever wrote

In April 2010 Theo and I decided to finally end our home search of 1.5 years when we chose to purchase a new construction home in the Town of Wallkill. Ever since we "signed on the line" our journey has been exciting. The development is going to have 45 houses (it is broken down in phases 1, 2, and 3). The houses are being built 15 at a time. We are in phase 2. Now it wasn't my first choice to go to phase 2 but when we saw the sight plan for the development we found the lot we just had to have! See, we went into the home buying process with a rather short wish list and ended up with an ever-growing one. One of the most important things to us was to be part of a community where we could walk on the sidewalks and talk with people but still maintain some level of privacy in our daily lives. So.................out from the site plan pages jumped what is known as LOT 15! Lot 15 will be the future home for our family of two plus two cats. Lot 15 is secluded at the end of a cul-de-sac in the back of the development. We will have a neighbor on one side and woods on the other. Wow! We were very blessed to find this lot.
Phase 2 is a few months behind phase 1 so we have to wait longer for our home but as we wait our piggy bank will (hopefully) grow too. As first time home buyers I have to tell you that was the biggest check we ever wrote! Scary.

The Day We Became a Family

July 28, 2007